8  R Markdown


Jarad Niemi

R Code Button

R Markdown is a file format that combines R code with Markdown text. Thus, a Markdown file typically has three components:

Rendering an R Markdown file is completed in two steps:

After running the R code, the first step converts the R Markdown document into a Markdown document.

Despite the name, R Markdown files have suport for a number of other languages including Python and Julia.

8.1 Code

8.1.1 Chunks

Most R code in R Markdown files will be executed in a code chunk. Code chunks begin and end with backticks.

::: {.cell}

```{.r .cell-code}
1 + 1

::: {.cell-output .cell-output-stdout}

[1] 2


8.1.2 Inline

R code can be included inline as well as through code chunks. For example, there are

8.2 Compile