Appendix A — Gradescope


Jarad Niemi

Homework assignments in this course will be submitted to Gradescope through the Canvas assignment. On Gradescope, assignments will be automatically graded through Gradescope’s autograder.

This document intends to provide suggestions for common issues when submitting to the autograder on Gradescope.

A.1 Score of 0

If you receive a score of 0, it is likely your script is not being evaluated at all. The most likely causes of this are 1) the script has the wrong name and 2) the script is causing an Error on the Gradescope autograder.

A.1.1 Wrong script name

Make sure your script has the correct name by checking the assignment. Every script in this course will be named script.R.

A.1.2 Script error

If your script produces an Error, then the autograder will not be able to evaluate your results.

The first step in ensuring your script runs without an Error is start a new R session and then run the following,

rm(list=ls())      # remove all existing variables
source("script.R") # your current working directory must be where this script.R resides

If the console says “Error:”, then you must fix the error before proceeding.

If no Error occurs and the script is still not graded, then an Error may be produced on Gradescope that is not produced on your computer.

One reason for this Error could be that you are loading a package that is not available on the autograder. First, remove any unnecessary as this is good coding practice. Second, make sure the allowed packages are listed under Imports:.